
Does anyone know wy my poo is purple?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Silly.

    Girls don't p**p.   :)

  2. Are you the grossest person alive or what? And that could be a sign of blood in your stools.....Go see a doctor!

  3. Maybe you ate something purple.... or maybe you need to go to the doctor or....

    isnt this in the wrong section?!?

  4. Kool Aid.

  5. Did you eat blueberries?

  6. Maybe you ate berries or purple food' or maybe  your the cousin of the purple people eater...kidding of course..If it stays go to the doctor' seriously..

  7. U R GROSS

  8. It's probably something you ate.

    Wait a minute...Barney is purple.  You haven't been dinosaur hunting lately have you?

  9. You ate too many beets.

  10. It is because you are a Purple-People-Eater.

    Have a lovely rest of the evening.

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