
Does anyone knows a major difference between 5-HTP and 5-HTP with L-Tyrosine vitamins?Which one is better?

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  1. L-Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid.  It has been found to help reduce stress.  It is frequently used along with other supplements to treat depression.  L-Tyrosine also does other things, do it depends on why you are taking 5-HTP as to which is better.  

    There are some side effects with L-Tyrosine.  You can find a list at

    I have taken 5-HTP before.  One side effect of it is sleepiness.  I would suggest starting with a small dose and building up to the full dosage.

  2. 5-HTP will basically make you feel "relaxed" by itself.  It's the precursor to serotonin, which is a nerotransmitter in your brain related to "positive mood" and "serenity".

    L-Tyrosine is the precursor to "Dopamine" in the brain. Dopamine will help you focus, give you energy, and overall make you feel more upbeat. With this said...

    The supplement you're taking, with both 5-HTP AND L-Tyrosine, will absolutely help with depression and anxiety on both ends of the spectrum. It's really all up to how it actually makes you feel, because the two separate neurotransmitters you're dealing with here will always work to balance each other out.

    So, here's my advice: Try the 5-htp first by itself, and see how it makes you feel. If you find it makes you a little tired, try the supplement with the L-Tyrosine instead! (Just make sure you take it in the morning, because there's a good chance it will keep you up) I hope you find positive results, and feel free to ask if you have any more questions! Good luck

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