
Does anyone knows if Vasco in Spain is an independent Country? How is it since it is in Spain?

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My friend is trying to get to his (roots) and he found that they are in Vasco. However he tells me that it is a Country within a country. Does anyone know?

Thanks for your help.




  1. Officiallly Pais Vasco (Euskadi) is an "Autonomous Community" within Spain.

    "The autonomous communities have wide legislative and executive autonomy, with their own parliaments and regional governments. The distribution of powers is different for every community, as laid out in the "autonomy statute" (estatuto de autonomía). There is a de facto distinction between "historic" communities (Basque Country, Catalonia, Galicia, Navarre and Andalusia) and the rest. The historic ones initially received more functions, including the ability of the regional presidents to choose the timing of the regional elections (as long as they happen at most 4 years apart). As another example, the Basque Country, Navarre and Catalonia have full-range police forces of their own: Ertzaintza in the Basque Country, Foral Police in Navarre and Mossos d'Esquadra in Catalonia."

    The Basques are the oldest known people in Europe and their language is unrelated to any other language. They are thought to be descendants of the original inhabitants of Europe, directly descended from CroMagnon Man.

  2. This depends on your point of view.

    There are many Basque people who feel that the Basque Country should be an independent country - its language is completely unconnected to the Spanish language.

    But, as things stand at present, it is part of Spain.

    Presumably, this is what ETA members are fighting for - the independence of the Basque Country.

    There's a similarity between this and the (hopefully) one-time

    problem in Northern Ireland.

    Let's just hope for peace and non-violence.

  3. it is beautiful lots of hotels, great place to live, beach... and not a crime infested place

    i've been there (i live in spain)

    it is not a country within a country it is just called Pais (country) vasco because it is a big place.

  4. Vasc Country is a Autonomous Community within Spain. It's not independent and has never been, althought they enjoy some independent from the central State, like Galicia and Cataluña (a bit more than them), and also these three have their language recognized in the Spanish Constitution. Just a 30 % of the Vasc  population would like to be independent, but ETA ( terrorist group) keeps murdering and kidnapping people in Spain and France trying to scare people into the so called independence they want. Althought they also ask people for money by sending them threatening letters, saying that if they refuse to pay they will kill them or their families.

    NOTE: it has nothing to do with the Nothern Ireland problem because:

    - Vasc Country was never invaded.

    - They have the same rights as any other Spaniard.

    -We all share the same religion

  5. Its not an official country.. Its called the Pais Vasco because they would like there Independence from Spain, But are not yet independent.. Just like Catalonia, its still part of Spain ...

    Take care...

    Bcn_mimosa from Barcelona, Spain

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