
Does anyone knows what Air France crew says to passengers? The announcements.?

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Does anyone knows what Air France crew says to passengers? The announcements.?




  1. The same stuff all the airlines say but in french.

  2. yes, sweetmommy is true, you'll heard some thing like:

    "bonjour, la compagnie air france et son personnel de bord vous souhaitent la bienvenue abord de l'airbus (or boeing) x*x a destination de ------------. le vol durera X hours"

    you'll hear too the sames stupid security rules than in english, and when you land on, you hear "medames et messieurs, nous venons d'atterir a ---------- (if you're lucky, it could be the place you wanna go), la temperature extérieure est de x°C, nous esperons que vous avez effectué un agréable vol, et vous remercions d'avoir choisi notre compagnie"

    I doubt they say the sames on american companies...

  3. What always gets me is that the announcments in English are completely incomprehnsible.

    I get the impression that the staff are trying to prove that they speak good English, so rattle off the announcment as fast as possible, frequently garbling some of the words. And if I have trouble understanding, then what  about the other poor travellers for whom English is only a second or third (or not at all) lanugage?

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