
Does anyone laugh at CNN as much as I just did when they were trying to turn a good thing into a scandal?

by Guest59916  |  earlier

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Palin's one daughter is pregnant and a very dramatic female voice over is saying something like "Here's Palin's daughter holding her 7 month old brother but what no one knew was that she had a secret. [Palin's Daughter] is 5 months pregnant and plans on marrying the father."

And I nearly died laughing because I can't for the life of me figure out why the heck she is doing it in that creepy, someone just was murdered, tone of voice when a female who has those pesky organs that holds babies is going to have a baby she made with a male and is going to marry the father.

It's like they went... "that's just not right, your not suppose to marry the father of your children, that's just silly!"

God forbid a female have a baby and get married!!!




  1. I don't know about you, but I don't think Palin accepting the VP nomination while knowing it will thrust her pregnant daughter onto the public stage and subjecting her to ridicule is funny AT ALL.

  2. What's wrong with this situation is that her mother accepted this nomination, exposing her daughter to a constant onslaught of criticism for the next two months. The poor kid's in enough trouble as it is, pregnant and unmarried in high school is bad enough, but now everybody and their mom and their grandmoms can sit around talking about her. It would suck just to have everyone in your high school talking about you, but let alone the whole country, possibly the whole world. Palin should back away from the political sphere and deal with her family for a while.

  3. Wonder if they are forcing the girl to get married. Glad for you that you find a 17 year old pregnant funny. Did Palin actually think they could get away with hiding her daughters condition? She is running for VP, did she think everyone would give her a break? She claims to be a conservative Christan, she couldn't instill these values in her daughter! Not every 16/17 year old have the advantage of a rich mommy and daddy.

  4. CNN isn't a station I watch too often for the very reason that they are way to over to the left.  It is laughable the way they put down anything a Republican does, and applaud almost anything a Dem doe.s

  5. Your rhetorical question almost doesn't deserve a response since CNN nearly always presents Republicans negatively. ABC's lead story had the pregnancy as the top story and indicated the RNC convention was in disarray holding minimal meetings. How blatantly absurbed, PLEASEEE, a kids pregnancy emphasized and a delay due to A MAJOR HURRICANCE interpreted as confusion is why I find U.S. news reports terribly biased...even an ignorant, uneducated person should be able to see this. Actually the news media recognizes Americans are uninfromed and quite immature when it comes to news, that's why they put such a spin on trash.  

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