
Does anyone like margarita's?

by  |  earlier

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they are disgusting! but because they are so popular on TV and in movie's I'm wondering how many people like them




  1. Yes,, if they are margarita pizzas

  2. WHAT?!?!? Margaritas are freakin awesome!

    Especially frozen ones! Put a little salt on the rim and you are in heaven (or Margaritaville) =)

  3. I love Margaritas. How many times have you had them? What flavor? Try not having them as strong, or different flavors, like Strawberry or Rasberry or something..

  4. You have to try them frozen!

    Check out that recipe, I think it will change your mind. If not, well then, I guess you just don't like them. Cheers!

  5. since im underage, i like the restaurant margaritas

  6. It depends on the mix, but I enjoy most margarita's.  If it's the tequila taste you don't like try another drink, daiquiri's are made with rum, try them instead.

  7. there AMAZING!

  8. They are SOOOO good! The ones with sour syrup aren't that good, though.

    LOTS of salt on the rim of the glass is essential.

  9. You should ask does anyone NOT like margaritas... since they are very popular.   I don't know anyone personally that doesn't like them.  If you don't, you probably havn't had a good one, or don't like lime.  If you don't care for them, you should try a flavored one, mango margaritas are even better than standard ones.

  10. h**l yeah I like margaritas ! You think they're disgusting ? Hmmnn... where are you getting these "disgusting" margaritas ? I don't think you've ever tried a really good one.

  11. LOVE 'em, they're delicious especially with lime!!! FANTASTIC

  12. my husband loves them - they remind me of the 80's

  13. They're delicious

  14. It's my favourite cocktail, but it MUST have the salt around the rim of the glass, otherwise it's not half as good!  

  15. What's disgusting about them? They mostly taste like (Rose's) Lime with a hint of orange (Cointreau/Grand Marnier/Triple Sec) - well, more than a hint, it's hard to describe. Try a top shelf margarita sometime.

    Edit: I don't do ANYTHING just because it's popular.

  16. i love them.

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