
Does anyone like me think that the autumn months bring?

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really bad happenings/ luck to them and their family. Is it just coincidence that the last few years from Sept to Dec has brought hardship to my family, yet the other months have been full of joy and happiness all around. It has been so bad, that from yesterday i was down and dreading what might be to come if other years are anything to go by.




  1. I like Autumn

  2. Misfortune happens to all of us and can befall any time of the year. Sometimes there may seem to be a pattern, but that can usually be chalked up to mere coincidence or one LOOKING for a pattern. For instance, I could say that spring and summer are bad seasons for me this year. In early spring the transmission of my car went out; in April I hit a deer and totaled the front end of my truck; in June my mother's house with many of my belongings in it was destroyed by flooding; and three weeks ago my grandmother passed away. However, the year before, winter and autumn were my bad seasons.

    Have you ever heard of seasonal depression? A lot of people may notice they're in a "funk" during the fall and winter, and it's believed this may be caused by chemical [hormonal] changes in the brain as a result of our varying exposure to sunlight during certain times of the year (typically: less in autumn and winter, more in spring and summer).

    Here's some more information on that, if you're interested:

  3. not the autumn for me. i think things are going to start going downhill around november-december and will be kinda weird for me for awhile after that. that might just be irrational paranoia though, you know how these things work...

    ...and the end of march. i had a dream last year that something was going to happen at the end of march '09. ha, i don't believe anything will actually happen but that shall be interesting (or very boring, whichever).

  4. I agree, sometimes autmn can bring bad happenings.

  5. nope you just have had bad luck in the fall i love fall.

  6. No, I love autumn. I love to frolic in the Autumn mists!

  7. I don't know about that but it seems as though winter brings an increase in pregnancies.  

  8. If you're thinking like that now, then you're not off to a good start.  Ever hear of self-fulfilled prophesy?

    I actually enjoy autumn.  The weather is usually very nice, the foliage is pretty, there's all kinds of apple fests and October fests going on.  And you've got pumpkin carving and other fun Halloween festivities to look forward to.  It's usually a really fun time of year for me.  

    Of course bad stuff happens in all our lives.  But if you continue to seek out that joy and happiness, you will have it.  Try to find the positive aspects of this upcoming season to focus on, and let the past be the past.

    Best wishes.

  9. No. i know this is winter i am on about but everyone who has had something bad happen to them at christmas is like why do all bad things happen at christmas.  bad things happen all the time just people seem to notice it more around these times because of Halloween and christmas and it is the time family or good things are suppsed to happen.  i am sorry if something bad has happend to you  

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