
Does anyone like my name??????

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It is Karis.




  1. I think that it is different and Unique. Which is hard to find now a days.

    To find out what your name means maybe try and look up a baby name site they can usually tell you the meanings, and if you know where your name is from (i.e Greece) Than maybe you can look up a specific site for (i.e Greek) names.  

  2. this is what is means

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    The girl's name Karis \k(a)-ris\ is pronounced KARE-iss. It is of Greek origin, and its meaning is "grace". Phonetic variant of Charis.

    yes I like it is unique  

  3. Yes i like it its different. Google it and see what you find.

  4. its a lovely name and sorry cant help with the meaning

  5. i like it's a cool name

  6. Well...It kinda sounds like "carrots" or "Paris" but there's nothing wrong with those words...yeah, I like Karis, and you shouldn't be ashamed of it!  :)  xxxxx

  7. i like it

  8. it is cool ?

  9. *  The meaning of the name Karis is Graceful

        * The origin of the name Karis is Greek

    Very nice name, not your everyday, ordinary, hear it everywhere you go name. I wonder if you were named after Mick Jagger's daughter?

    Other famous people named Karis besides Karis Jagger, are Karis Paige Bryant and Karis Campbell.

    Karis  or Karjaa is also a municipality in Finland.

    Edit: a thumbs down? Wow, thank-you.

  10. aw i love it its really pretty :]

  11. I like it. Very unique!

    Karis : greek origin, meaning grace or charm

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