
Does anyone like the spelling Jaymes?

by  |  earlier

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i kinda love it, its different from normal old james

apparently it can be used for a girl?




  1. I much prefer it to James! It would be pretty rare to come across a Jaymes i'd say. I also love it for a girl strangely? lol

  2. It sounds as if an uneducated, ignorant, ghetto dwelling individual phonetically spelled the name James.

  3. I like it, but I think this should be for a girl.

  4. I love James for a girl, but I wouldn't spell it a weird way. She'll spend her whole life correcting people.

  5. don't care for it especially for a girl.

  6. Yep. It's cool.

  7. Why do you need to name a girl James however you want to speel it?

  8. to me it is the spelling for a girl (usually a nn for Jamie)

  9. The only time I ever saw "Jaymes" was in a gossip article talking about the 50yr old Clay Aiken had artificially inseminated. I thought it was a little strange for a woman.

    James for a boy is nice, but I don't like the nicknames Jim, or Jimmy. I like Jamie better for a girl, but still its just kinda okay. Either way I've heard much worse so I don't think you'd cause a child any distress if you name her "Jaymes" - Its just something I'd never pick.

  10. i wouldn't spell it like that if it was my choice. and don't get mad when his name is spelled wrong his whole life.

  11. I don't like it. Sorry.

  12. Looks like you would say it like this  Jay-me's. Just spell it the normal way, its less complicated that way.  

  13. I love that spelling of it!

    I was considering using it! But I'm naming my son Hayden James and both y's would be too much. :)

  14. If it's a boy, please stick to James (the correct spelling). I say this with no pun intended. There's no reason to make someone go through life having to correct the spelling of a name that is so common and sounds no different than the original spelling.

    If it's a girl, stick to Jaimee or Jaymee. You can always call her Jaymes as her nickname but just don't let a child grow confused and have her teachers expect a boy to answer when her name is Jaymes.

    All the best.

  15. I don't but if you do that's all that matters

  16. I wouldnt use it for a girl but if my husband and I are gonna have a boy its gonna be colton james and I would spell it that way to be different if my husband would go for it:) I really like that!

  17. I like the spelling but would only use it for a boy


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