
Does anyone like to eat pop tarts this way?

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I like to put pop tarts in the toaster, then slice 2-3 lines in it with knife and soak it with butter. You?





  2. never heard of it, maybe ill try it sometime

  3. dude, thats just nasty! sorry, but butter is nasty to start and on a pop tart ewwwwwy!

  4. Sorry but no, it kinda sounds weird but what can i say a lott of people eat things in different way...even some ways that are disturbing, everyone is different!

  5. no lol im not butters biggest fan...i always put one in the toaster and then eat one dry though lol

    i guess i could try it though lol


    my favorite kind is the cinnamon roll ones..

    or cookie dough..

    or chocolate vanilla ones...

    or hot fudge sunday...

    or smorz...

    or chocolate...

    lmao =)  

  6. no but i try it . try mcdonalds frys with milk shake . or ice cream and mustard  

  7. whoot! whoot!


  8. Yes,

    When I was a kid pop tarts didn't have frosting like they do today. So that is how Mom always made them for us.

    I am always searching for UNFROSTED Pop Tarts but they are a rare find!

    I sometimes find unfrosted cinnamon or strawberry, those are my favorites. Kids today have to have all that fancy colored frosting with sprinkles and junk. Right now in my cupboard I have Cinnamon Roll Pop Tarts they are the closest thing I can find to unfrosted.

    YUM! I'm kinda hungry now.

  9. oh god no way! pop tarts already have too many calories

  10. No. But im willing to try it lol

  11. I've never tried but will if you serve it for me

  12. Kudos to you. I have never heard of such a thing but i think it is worth a try. Oh yeah it kinda sounds fatty but to each his own.

  13. honestly that sounds really odd

    i guess i'll have to try it to see how it tastes

  14. i like to put them in a toaster and dip them in milk but i dont put butter on them and divide them into slices with a knife

  15. Hmm. butter ?

    no thanks

    too much cholesterol

    but i like the cutting it

    in 2-3 lines

    ohh i know what your doing

    your trying to pretend its a

    french toast stick and trying

    to dip it in syrup


  16. ..why would you do that o_0 as if they dont have enough fat and sugar already...i just like them toasted, frozen or outta the box.

  17. no way... i agree with the previous comment... way to sweet and have too many calories already... sorry

  18. Sounds good but no.

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