
Does anyone like volleyball????

by  |  earlier

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Does anybody else out there like to play volleyball, i see it as a fun and interesting game but it doesnt seem very popular. There should be more clubs on so that people can learn to play the game the proper way.




  1. i love volleyball i just started playing it right now in high school.Its really a great sport and its fun to play with a team

  2. i love the summer i play beach volley all the time.

  3. beach volleyball only

  4. non

  5. I loved playing it at school but haven't played it in years.

  6. i need tips on how to play volleyball im in jr high and my school has a team. any tips?

  7. I totally agree with you. I love playing Volleyball especially on the beach in the summer.

  8. i love it and wen i pass 2 my new skool they have it they there

  9. I like to play.. I'm on a club and on the school team. I totally agree. It's a great sport!~

  10. I love volleyball.  I played it all the way through school.  I am lucky though, I am from LA so there are a lot of club teams and if that fails I can always go to the beach and play.

  11. I am a volleyball player. I think it is very interesting for everybody like sport!!!

  12. i love volleyball, and there are plenty of clubs where i live. (sillicon valley in california)

    hey, do we have the exactly same icon/avatar?

  13. Volleyball rocks! Actually, the sport is pretty popular on the west-coast in both beach and indoor. But like most sports, popularity is driven by interest and money. For example, golf doesn't seem like a very fun sport for youngsters, but you see it on TV all the time. That's because of the big paychecks which drive more interest from players and sponsors. Keep playing volleyball. I like it, hope you do too!

  14. I love volleyball and i totally agree. Everybody can't make there's school team. If they even have a team.

  15. Yes when I was younger we would have party's and play volleyball fro hours . Now people just drink.

  16. yes. i play on a team that practices 6 times a week for 7 hours a day! We have to run 4 miles a day for a warm-up.

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