
Does anyone live in Cairns, QLD cause everytime i go on a internet thing no-one is from Auzzie/Cairns?

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Does anyone live in Cairns, QLD cause everytime i go on a internet thing no-one is from Auzzie/Cairns?




  1. No,

    I live 11 hours south of Cairns.

    I have been to Cairns and Port Douglas, while on a cruise at a stop over once. 2 years ago, in March, with the hurricanes, That was fun!


  2. I live in Cairns  - and LOVE it!

  3. I have met lots of people from Cairns online, most of them I have found are in Yahoo Messenger.

  4. cairns is very warm all year round day and night. everybody in cairns is sitting outside drinking beer, no-one is inside using the internet

  5. Sorry-Florida, USA

  6. Cairns is home...though i dont live there at the moment...

    on the other hand...ILL BE HOME NEXT WEEK!!!  


    when home im rarely many better things to do than sit inside on the computer.  especially this time of year...winter in Cairns is just beautiful!!!

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