
Does anyone look to the USA for moral or practical leadership?

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Does anyone look to the USA for moral or practical leadership?




  1. In all honesty I can't say I do.

    If I look to another nation .. It's to New Zealand ... a d**n gusty little nation with one of the strongest spirits on earth. A fine and strong ally  and never one to kowtow to Larger power.

    So many *bigger* nations really underestimate NZ.

    It is actually the only other nation I COULD ever consider living in

  2. I certainly hope not! As an American, I love my country, but I have absolutely no pride left in our leadership and can't wait to get the current regime out of office.

    How can we be moral leaders when we are run by oil (Bush) and war profiteers (Cheney)? And when profit and power are the motivation for our leaders, how can we have practicality in our leadership?

    I have watched my country fall into a very sad state since GW took office: Our economy is in shambles, our people are dying in a god-forsaken war, our "allies" hate us and we aren't even supposed to say we are American when we go overseas. How very sad.

  3. Looking at the rest of the world, dhimmified Europe and Commonwealths, screwed up Africa, and repressed Middle East......  I'd say no.  Myabe they should have.

  4. The USA is not just those most recently elected in which the people who lose the election are sore losers.  It is not just the current administration which might not get along well with some other nations leaders.  It is also the constitutional form of government, how the capitalism works or not, the dreams of the people, and behavior patterns vs. other ethnicities and interests.  

    Is there a nation on the planet that welcomes immigrants, people of all religions, treats people of different ethnicities ages economic classes in a decent manner.  Yes there are a few, a very few.

    Think about what the world would be like if the USA was not around.

    Look at history ... would the world have been a better place had the n***s won WW II, or Stalin?  You think that might have happened had USA not got involved?

    At the end of WW II what was the condition of Europe?

    Was the Marshall Plan really neccessary?

    Would Western Europe have survived without NATO?

    Remember divided Germany & Russian efforts to cut off Berlin, then the airlift.  Only a few short years earlier Germany had been at war with most of the rest of Europe and the world, then the US and her allies came to rescue the people of Berlin, and now all of Germany is reunited.

    Knowing about all that should make everyone weep for joy, and try to figure out how to make that kind of thing a reality for other peoples of the world, such as in Korea.

    There have been all kinds of problems after the fall of communism in Central Eurpoe, such as the break up of Yugoslavia.  What nations organized peace keeping forces to go in there?  It was not just the USA.  France did good work in Rwanda.

    Which nations are trying to do constructive things to help the Peace process in the Middle East?

    Africa is where AIDS started (thanks to some incredibly stupid humans), and many African nations are still in denial about what it takes to stop the spread of AIDS.  Where is there significant humaitarian aid coming from, compared to Briatin and America?

    Many nations look to their neighbors as places to turn into colonies ... I think the USA quit doing that around the time of the Spanish American War, some nations like Canada never started ... European countries were still doing it as of middle of 20th century.

    What nations were first to develop Weapons of Mass Destruction?  Which nations used those weapons all over the place, and which were very careful only to use when extremely neccessary?

    How many huge regional wars have there been & why so few since USA became a world power?

    Overall does the UN do more good than harm, and what were the circumstances leading to the UN coming into existence?

    Do you remember Ghandi?

    He had a dream about using non-violence to get change against an oppressive government (British) but his dream fell somewhat short.

    Then along came Martin Luther King Jr who made Ghandi's dream work.

    The USA had an almost bloodless revolution that led to dramatic improvement in the quality of life of the whole population.  This was something the world had never seen before, and other peoples emulated it, leading ultimately to the fall of communism in Central Europe ... there were other actions, such as by the Pope, but does anyone truely believe that the Soviet Union would have turned into a state of relative freedom for its people, were it not for the moral imfluence of the people of the USA?

    We could go on, but when we look at the scales of world justice, the amount of harm done by some nations vs. the good, the USA on balance seems to have been worth having around.

  5. We stand firmly up to our hips in moral decay! So what do you think!

  6. Just take a look at the U.S. external policies and you'll find hardly anyone besides Israel and other few countries backing up the U.S. because of personal economic interests support the U.S and virtually no-one looks to them as a moral standard or practical leadership. Just take a look at the U.S. sponsored or U.S. imposed dictatorships in Latin America, its imperialistic policies in developing countries, the bloody and excesive wars it has waged against nations such as Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan without a sufficient reason or proofs whilst going against the international community's considerations; all because of economic interests, its agressive foreign policy of central capitalism which brings wealth to the U.S. at the cost of exploiting and taking resources from the nations of latin america and south-east asia without giving any benefits to these nations, its evident racist movement against all those non white, its discrimination of the "third world", its hipocritical and fake policies of bringing democracy to the world (such as the events in Iraq and Afghanistan have prooved to be) and the overwhelming egocentrism that its government and many of its people show to the rest of the world amongst many other reasons and you'll find the U.S is the perfetc prototype of a contemporary Empire and thus, even though many people in the U.S. arent aware of that fact, a great majority of the world people (particulary those in Latin America, Asia and Africa) despise the U.S. for all the pain and damage it has done to many countries, peoples and cultures foreign to their confederation. Many governments support it, but that corresponds to the economic or political interests of these states (such as the case of Pakistan, country in which the islamic government is a close ally to the U.S., but amongst the citizens the anti-U.S. movement is massive). Thus, in the general overview the U.S. is not even remotely close to being considered a moral or leadership standard and is actually far closer to being considered an antagonist of moral, justice and world welfare.

  7. They used to, but now they have to remember when people from the U. S. were qualified.  

    As long ago as 1999 they blew up a US consulate in Tanzania because one of the ladies there was sitting at her desk with a bag of "seed snacks to munch/"  They didn't think that was a thing to do.

    This really ISN'T the type of thing anyone from this country would do -- this was before the Bush admin.....Where WAS this wierdo from anyway??

  8. i think most of the world does look at the United States of America ...

    they have been extremely successful over the years in both moral and leadership....

    maybe you should ask the question - when will the world stop looking up at the US ? and get themselves organised ?

    if they hadn't been it would be the ussr that was still here not the US....

    I don't think there is a country out there that hasn't heard of the US - mind you they have vastly differing opionions about them ...

    I am glad australia is a friend of the US as (for example)  if we were invaded or in trouble who but the us would be prepared (or able) to help us out? not the un - by the time they did something it would be too late, russia china, saudi arabia, new zealand [only if they could send sheep with], iran... the list goes on.....

    oops  the uk woudl help ...

  9. Moral-no way.In politics, morals do not exist. Morals are dicsussed in order to persuade the majority of people and get into the office. Especially right now, USA does not have any moral leadership that has to be looked up to.The way the economy is run and the legal system is working- are indeed important to learn from. This country has an order and citizens have protection and freedom to stand up for their rights. Practical leadership-is subjective term, i guess depends on who is in charge...

  10. Do you ever get tired of asking really weird questions?

  11. I sure hope so!

  12. moral no. practical..maybe.

  13. Besides Israeli journalists, the rulers of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Kuwait, and Albanian terrorists, I find it hard to think of anyone else who looks to the USA for moral or practical leadership.

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