
Does anyone make 30-30 ball ammo?

by  |  earlier

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ive only seen soft point and hollowpoint types, id like to find some FMJ ball, not pointed but more rounded over like a .45acp ball bullet. so to be safe in a leveraction. does such factory ammo exist or would i have to load my own?




  1. No. Because ball ammo might cook off a round in the tube feeder. Very bad idea to hand load ball to use in a lever action.

  2. Even if rounded like a FMJ pistol round, the copper jacket of the bullet is much harder than lead, and would stand a chance of setting off that dreaded chain. Of course, if you found some sort of flatnosed FMJ (as is becoming popular with pistols), that might be better, but I'd avoid the whole mess. Banging copper up against a primer just smells like trouble to me.

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