
Does anyone need a worker?

by Guest63671  |  earlier

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i'm 17 and i live in australia.. i want to travel everywhere and i heard about work exchange it's when people go to other peoples farms etc to work and they pay them in accommodation and meals... anyone interested in having me?




  1. lol, where were you two months ago, i was lookinf for employees but couldn't find none.  We wouldn't give you accomodations cause we have nowhere to do that, but we could pay you enough so that you could rent a place.  It was in a suburb where rent cost were pretty low, you could rent  a fairly large house for 700, or from the motel for like 150 a month in a nice are no crime.  Only downside to this area is high cost of food, but you would be able to walk to work.  Its not really farm work, it would be selling tickets for a non profit.

    Too bad.  I'll be in France or Quebec inaugust building contacts.

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