
Does anyone no how much a macbook air is?

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cause i wanted 1 but they are prolly really expensive and do they break easy:) please help me decide:)




  1. I saw somewhere on a site (yesterday only...but I don't remember at which site...probably you can search at ).

    It was listed for US$ 1650. But I read a review (again i don't remember where...) which rated it so-so...I suggest you simply buy a macbook if you are a Mac fan over a windows.

    I like's comparatively cheaper (for US$900) and runs good.

  2. *sigh* I'll probably end up voted down for this, but...

    A MacBook Air isn't a f*cking Aircraft!

    I'd have a little more sympathy but your mastery of English is poor, and of the internet is staggeringly S****y: it's on the front page of, for f*ck's sake. One click, and like magic, at the bottom, it says, "starting at $1799.".

    And as far as whether they take a beating, no. They're a bit more sensitive than your average laptop... but then there's the mag-cord, which helps keep those little mishaps at bay.

    There, best answer. Vote.

  3. ya they break easy... but they come in different size hardrives and equipment

    it starts at 1800 for the 40GB one and then get to be over 3000

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