
Does anyone no how to remove yourself from off this my mom might find this need to do asap?

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Does anyone no how to remove yourself from off this my mom might find this need to do asap?




  1. Huh? Read that to yourself and see if it makes any sense to you. It does? Then read it aloud to make sure. It doesn't make any sense to me!

    Do you mean to ask:

    Does anyone know how to remove yourself from this because my mom might find something else for me to do?

    As in: How do I get off the computer before Mom finds something constructive for me to do, like wash dishes or clean my room?

    Check out Yahoo! Answers Anonymous. Maybe they have a 12 step program.

    Look here:

    and here:

  2. I'm not positive what your asking....

    do you mean this website?  Go to "my profile" and edit profile, and you can choose not to use your real yahoo name, you pick another...

    is that what you meant?

  3. Be honest with your mother and tell her you are pregnant. She may blow a gasket at first, but in the end she will love her new grandchild as she does you. The truth will always set you free!

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