
Does anyone no what it is like to be homeschooled my mom might homeschool me this summer and then on?

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I am currently going to a private school

and my mom and i really don't like the teacher she isn't really fair.

We also thought it would be a lot better because I am always sick Ihave several different problems with health.

I would be taking 6th over in the summer then start 7th in the fall.




  1. I was homeschooled for many years.  If you find a good support group of other homeschoolers you should be fine. I will admit it can get boring if your support group doesn't have many activities going on or if you have nothing to do but read textbooks.... Don't worry about what people say about college, I went to college without out any problems and so did most of the people in my support group, some of them went on to become doctors, police officers, and musicians. It can prepare you for college and for life if you and your Mom are both willing to work hard.

  2. I've been homeschooling since i was in 7th grade.

    It kinda depends. For me, I went crazy! No friends.....

    It sux for my socializing, but I'm smarter than an average person in my grade. Actually, I'm a year ahead.

    It also depends on how patient your mom is and how well you two get along. It's important you two get along, otherwise it'll kinda ruin things.

    If you do go homeschooling, I wouldn't tell you to keep doing it. Your mom might end up not letting you go back. It happene with me.

  3. I am homeschooled.  I've been homeschooled almost my entire life and I love it.  I've never feel "bored" or "socially deprived."  I am involved in so many activities (band, co-op classes, piano, P.E, and the list goes on) that sometimes wish I had more time to sit around the house and be bored!  I also feel like I get more out of school.  When it's just one-on-one with your teacher you can get all the attention you need.  I'm also dual enrolled and in a Bright Futures Scholarship, which  basically means that I can get my Associates Degree before I'm out of high school, and, if I score high enough on my SATs, The state will pay my way through college.  Bright Futures is only for the state of Florida, but dual enrollment can be done in any state.  So, that's definatly another perk to homeschooling. Although homeschooling is not for everybody, if the situation is right, homeschooling is a great option.  I hope you and your mom decide what's best for you.

  4. it blows...  hard...

  5. i was in a simalair possition eccept i was going to public school it is so much nicer you should get out now instead i just got out

  6. Homeschooling is what you make of it.  There are so many options as to how you will homeschool, what kinds of activities you will participate in, and what you will learn.  

    Your mom needs to find out the laws for your state before beginning, and you both need to get into some homeschool support groups.  After that, the sky's the limit.

  7. yes man, this really is a good question to ask. home schooling maybe makes you feel boring , but it will also brush up your memory . even i was home schooled for some time by a strict teacher . i even bunked some classes and gave the excuse "out of home". after a month or something i told my mom that  no one can continue in such a situation, so my mother talked to the teacher, payed the fees and he never came again. i was really feeling relief for some days, but after some time , i learnt a lesson when i got 5th rank in my quarterly exams.remember that your mom does all this only for your good .. anyway, the rest of the time is available to play! so keep using time properly as it is the most essential thing for activities.

  8. Homeschooling is whatever you make it.  You and your parents have complete control over your coursework and your schedule (as long as you abide by the laws and regs of your state), so you're not tied to the public/private school scope and sequence or schedule.  If you want to study outside interests - photography, computer programming, zoology, robotics, whatever - you can.  If you're ready to move beyond what you would have during __ grade in school, you have that ability.  If you want to work in the morning (if you're old enough to do so) and do school in the afternoon, that's fine.  And if you need to camp out a little longer on any particular subject, you're free to do so.  

    You get to be responsible for your education, along with your parents; that means that your curriculum and courses can be tailored directly to your needs.  It does take motivation on your part to keep up with it, and commitment on the part of your parents, but it really is whatever you make it :-)

    Edit - my son is starting 6th, he loves being homeschooled.  He also has health issues that wouldn't work well in a large school (which all of those in our area are).  Being homeschooled, his health is excellent, he's accelerated in almost all of his coursework, and he has the time to play sports, participate in theater and Scouts, take part in programming at the library (our library programming rocks), and just hang out with his friends.  He's really thankful for the freedom that homeschooling gives him, and that he doesn't have to deal with all the garbage that goes on in school.

  9. my gf is homeschooled its not too bad i mean the reason she does it is to stay away from drama at school and just stupid c**p... and she says its really relaxing and its less stresss and c**p.... i mean the only bad part about it is networking with other people... but other than that its not too bad your lucky though... that has its perks...

  10. I started homeschooling for similar reasons and i love it. Be warned you still have to be graded by a techer in highschool but for right now depending on the program you diside to take your mom should be the teacher. Its really good if you have health problems because you can take a break if you need it or if you are just feeling rotten you can decide that its a holiday. Be warned though homeschooling can be hard and there may be days when you really dislike your mom but hang in there for some people it is the best way to learn.

  11. i have health problems and im a very smart person.

    its hard to go to a public school but my parents are very wise and if your home sschooled you WILL NOT be prepaired for college.

    my mom had a friend realy smart and she went to college and could not handle it!

    if you cant handle school, you wont be able to handle the real world.

    i know 2 people that got homeschool and they were both back after a yearr.

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