
Does anyone notice a difference between the DNC and RNC?

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The DNC was full of life, excitement, energy and non stop action, as well as you saw such a diversity of different people.

The RNC is dull, boring, lifeless, hardly exciting and all you see are stuffy pale white men dressed in suits and ties and white plastic phony looking women.

I think I understand now. Not only are Republicans for the rich and wealthy only, but they're like an exclusive club that you can't get in unless you're Anglo Saxon and look like your about to keel over.

You couldn't get me to want to join that club for anything. How about you?

Ooh, ooh, Palin barks her speech in 1/2 hour. I can't wait until she tells everyone what a reformer she is and how she's going to change Washington. She certainly has the experience after being Govenor of 500,000 people.




  1. Exactly, to carry a GOP card you have to think exactly like everyone else, be cynical, and it helps if you look just like everyone else.

  2. Sure Big Brother is more appealing to the ignorant .  Only Big Brother  (not a rap band), it's what going to control your every step, (not dance steps). watch your every move (not hand waving) and rob you blind (not the thugs). YooooooooooooBama.  

    No thanks, I'll take FREEDOM offered by the Lawrence Welk crowd.

  3. I completely agree!!!

  4. Yeah, I noticed the DNC was full of pomp and color.  So is a circus.

  5. She is a true Reformer?

    Palin is the only candidate that supports banning the birth control pill.

    Gov.Palin is a member of "Feminists for Life", an organization with members that openly support outlawing all "non-abortifacient contraception" (anything that stops implantation of the fertilized egg).

    She may not be able to overturn Roe vs Wade but there is no constitutional right to the birth control pill.

    She presides over a State whose budget has gone from 2.9 billion when she took office to 9 billion next year. 14,692.00 per person in the State. Wow. And they still have to pay Federal tax, and do not have roads between cities.

    Increasing spending by 300% in just less than 2 years. She is better than Bush.

    1200 of it per household is for one new social program by taxing them and giving it back to them

    She was able to get more earmarks and pork for her city of 5000 than St. Paul Minnesota got.

    A true reformer she went against George Bush and sued to get Polar Bears taken off the endangered species list to make the way safe to open up ANWAR.

    Despite her well known experience Palin wants abstinence only taught in schools.

  6. I have noticed that the RNC is BOOOORRIING!

    Its defintely going to get less viewers!

  7. I'm with you!  Oh wait now we have a captive audience.  Giuliani is speaking.  "America (wealthy white and oil mongers) comes first".  Oh no they are laughing about Obama, that he worked.  First mistake the former NY mayor said. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  8. .... lets compare being governor of a state managing all the expenses for two years by palin or having two years in senate being one of two in the state thats job is how to waste tax payer money i would have to say our vp has more experience than the person you guys got running

    and with your blatant disgusting insults shut up you mindless droan  

  9. Yeah and the creeps at the RNC throwing sh** and attacking people in the streets.  I really want to be a member of that party  -  NOT!!

  10. Castlekeepr...the GOP IS what's wrong with our country!  Nothing but **** has happened in Bush's 8 horrible years.  He had great plans to fix things too...and even after him and Jeb stole the election nothing got fixed.

  11. Yes, i notice it too.  They look like a bunch of white stale bread

  12. Republicans are for the rich. How rich are McCain and Cindy? Their two women speakers are former CEOs of Ebay and Hewlett Packard. I was like WTF???

  13. Thank you for some more Left Wing c**p! Please keep it going! Also I bet my post will be hidden cause Dems vote me down! :D

    Please dont tell me I am the only one who sees this just looks at the thumbs up and the thumbs down. Now read the comment if its Democratic its up but if its Republican its down.

  14. I call Nancy Pellosi the lawn sprinkler... her head swings back and forth mechanically while insincere words spit out.

    The best speakers so far have been:

    1) Bill Clinton

    2) Fred Thompson

    3) George W

    4) nobody else

  15. DNC - New, Vibrant, Change, Optimism, Forward  

    RNC - Fear mongering, POW mentioning (582 times), Boring  

  16. I feel like I'm watching AMERICA when I watched the DNC--with the RNC, I felt like I was watching a klan rally--RNC looks like an Amurikia that is exclusive and full of angry people who share the same brain.  I feel bad for them--how do you live with so much hate and fear in your heart everyday?

  17. The DNC offers more of the same

    The RNC offers specific, new ideas for imrovements and plans to fix what is wrong with this country.

    I am sorry, many people cannot understand republican thinking.

    It comes from our horrible public education system.  I blame the teachers unions.

  18. Yaaaawwwwnnnnn!!!

  19. I agree with you. all I hear is fear, pow, 9/11

  20. loll

    Yeah, I know what you mean! I saw that too...

    That's why Democrats should win. Go Obama!!

  21. You're just another Democratic who is running scared because you know you don't have a viable candidate worthy of winning the election.

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