
Does anyone notice that security guards who try to act like Cops are bigger jerks then really cops?

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Does anyone notice that security guards who try to act like Cops are bigger jerks then really cops?




  1. Just happened to come across this while browsing for questions.......  Not all security officers are "wannabee cops" or "guys that didn't make it thru the police academy". They perform a necessary function, and in my opinion they are undervalued, underpaid, and under-respected.

    Some, like me, did it while we were in school studying to be something else. There are quite a few security officers like this - they are doing it because it allows them to work at a relatively simple and straightforward job in the evenings and overnights so they can attend school classes during the day.

    Security officers who try to act like cops are the result of either poor or non-existant training. One of the first things you are told in training (if your security co. even has a training program) is that you are **not** a law enforcement officer, and that you have no more power to arrest etc. than the average citizen. This is to protect yourself and the company from potential lawsuits. A security officers job is to 1- observe 2- document 3 - report. That's it. If there is a situation where more than that is required, you call the police. Some of the outfits I've worked for in security even came right out and told us "You don't make enough money at this to risk your life or be a hero - just do your job".

  2. Yes, give a little man some power and WATCH OUT.

    These rent a cops are wanna be cops who could not make it in the academy.

  3. They're almost cops, give 'em a break.  They just tryin' 2 make a living,. uniforms make some people feel powerful

  4. That is why they are called Rent a d**k. I like when they go out put lights on their  car not like cop lights but lights. and wear their  uniform all the time.

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