
Does anyone notice the level of venom has increased since the Republican convention started?

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During the Dems. convention the Rep didn't make personal attack on the speakers, none that I read. Since the R started Palin and her daughter has been called a s**t. McCain is Old (even thought he is only 7 years older that Biden) They think the Primary candidates inexperience is the same as the secondary candidates qualifications. How can anyone take them seriously when they cannot even seriously debate.




  1. Actually all summer and even before the primaries the Repubs have been spitting their venom, and now they have a viable leg to stand on to point out how hypocritical this whole thing is.

  2. During the Democratic Convention I happened to be turning the dial on my radio and I heard one of your radio commentators giving a running commentary of Hillary's speech. This was just a random sampling of right wing radio. My experience is that if you listen to one of these guys there's a 100% chance that you will hear some serious nasty venom. After hearing and reading on these boards the venom and nastiness directed to Hillary, Chelsea, Michelle, and anyone else associated with the Democratic Party no one can match Republicans for hate and meanness. I cannot take anyone seriously who makes points about lapel pins and saluting the flag.

  3. Does it make you feel good acting like half of the country is stupid?

  4. Dems are scum.

  5. the truth about obama

  6. That is not coming from the dems and yes their was plenty of venom on here during the DNC.

    If you can't take it, then get off.  I do when I have had enough.

  7. I dont take them seriously.  Most Democrats in this forum know only one thing: how to spread lies and hate about a person because they have an (R) behind their name.

  8. Yes. The level of vitriol has once again started to rise... As soon as the republican party starts talking... There wasn't a backlash against the speeches given at the Democratic convention because those speeches weren't entirely based on attacking the other party. They were talking about what THEY were going to do. Not about what the other party WASN'T.

    Gad. I'm listening to Rudy G right now. All about Obama. Nothing else.

  9. The republicans are slowly losing everything. First the House and the Senate, next will be the White House. There days are numbered.  

  10. The libs have always been more venomous.  The tactic has always been to throw accusations and attention away from their own inadequacies.  Take, for instance, this news on Biden that hasn't been touched by the liberal media:

    Dave C - "democrats aren't making it up"?  Because you obviously have had your liberal-biased headphones on listening to constant diatribe by CNN, NBC, or some other left-wing junket, you must have heard the story about Palin's 5th child not being her own.  These stories are not "scandals," they are scandal-wanna-be's made up by, who else, the democrats!!  lol  lol  The only thing "liberal" stands for anymore is gossip-mongers.

  11. I think to call the libarals "more venomous" is a huge generalization.  On a personal level, when conversing with people about politics, I see equally as much venous and sometimes just plain hatred from conservatives as from liberals.  It's a matter of who the people are, not whether they're liberal or conservative.  Spewing and name-calling aren't a product of only one party.

    Having said that, I do find it very stupid that so much negative attention is being given to Palin and her daughter.  It's almost as if we somehow expect absolute perfection in anyone running for president or vice president. They're not allowed to have ever made a mistake, unless it's someone from the party you (or anyone) agrees with, and then it's just human, or whatever.  This girl made a mistake.  Who knows what did or didn't happen in her family for her to have gotten into this situation.  Ultimately, though, it really does NOT matter.  None of this has anything to do with whether or not Palin will make a good vice president, can lead the country in McCains absense if necessary.  It doesn't even have anything to do with her ability to parent well; a parent can be a great parent and the kids still make their own choices when they become teenagers.  I'm just miffed that there is so much focus on something that really doesn't matter.  It amazes me that our country is so addicted to this kind of finger-pointing and fascination with other folks' private business.

  12. Well... there was nothing for the Republicans to talk about.  Don't doubt that the Republican strategist have been looking for dirt or scandal to bring to the forefront.  However, nothing.

    The Republican, on the other hand, seem to have scandals with everything they do.  Democrats aren't making it up.  It just is... Republicans = scandal.

  13. Conservative republicans have put too much venom around the world, not just this country. "What goes out, comes back", popular saying.

  14. What on earth are you babbling about?

  15. The level of hatred that is coming from the liberals does nothing but show me their TRUE colors..............they are anathema to our very Constitution.

  16. Right, I think you have selective vision. Michelle obama was trashed on this site after she spoke.

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