
Does anyone on Y/A see the need to send an insulting email to anyone else who answered any of their questions?

by  |  earlier

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Thanks for sharing, God bless Sabrina and Shirley too for caring.

I have so much admiration for strong women and I hope and pray that things will be well for the both of you and your families. There is so much we can learn from one another.




  1. I really don't think that there is any need to send  an insulting email to anyone you has  asked a question onY\A, I think that if  all people to do is insult other people or put other people down it just shows that they were never taught how to treat people.It also shows that the person who is sending the insulting email has no pride in himself\herself and they are the ones with a problem.I hope that I haven't gone on to much. God Bless     Shilrley

  2. i dont think people should be that childish.

    this is a question answer sight so clearly there will be people that have a different point of view then you do, or have something to say that you might not want to hear but thats a risk we all take when we say anything anywhere dealing with the public.

    some people just like to star drama and i wouldnt be surprised if there are users on here that are only here to cause drama. its sad, but i think 100% true.  

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