
Does anyone on here have any new ideals on what has happened to Heather Teague? Serious answers only!?

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Today is Heather Teague's birthday. She has been missing since 1995. She simply vanished off the face of the earth when she went to Newburg Beach near Henderson, KY. Additional info can be found at or google heather teague. It is a well known case,and somebody out there somewhere has to know something.




  1. As I am from the UK I suppose I shouldn't really answer this but I hope you will forgive me.

    This has not been reported in England ,as far as I know.

    I just wanted to say how awful this is. I feel for her poor family and I hope they get some answers eventually. Then they may find some kind of peace.

    I agree, it is very kind of you to remember her birthday.

  2. I hope some one decides to corroborate with this case.

  3. I've never heard anything about her, but last year a boy here in St. Louis was found after 4 years.  His name is Shawn Hornbeck and he was grabbed while out riding his bike.  Then last year another kid named Ben was grabbed and they found him based on a tip from a kid who rode the same school bus and saw the truck.  The same guy grabbed Shawn and was passing him off as his own kid for all that time.  

    I guess my point is, until there's proof that she's dead, don't give up hope.

  4. I believe they will eventually find her remains - she has been gone far to long to be alive - of course there is always that glimmer of hope.  Hopefully they will find her remains so her family can be at peace, bury her,  and hopefully catch the person that took her - eventually they will get there day if not here on earth  then when they are judged.  I do hope she didn't have to suffer and life ended quickly for her.  Nice of you to remember her birthday.

  5. From what I understand, the main suspect they were going to question, Marvin Dill, killed himself before they had a chance to interrogate him...I really have a bad feeling they were on to something with him, and he knew it...Since he killed himself, he probably took the truth with him...It is sad...Hopefully, the can find SOMEONE that maybe knew Dill and that Dill told them SOMETHING...Otherwise, it sounds like a cold case...

    ; I

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