
Does anyone on here like cricket?

by  |  earlier

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If so, do any of you think Pietersen will be given the one-day captaincy permenantly, as I think they wanted to give him it as soon as Vaughan gave it up, but went with Collingwood because it was 'sensible' to do so. Does anyone agree or disagree?




  1. captaincy  will harm his batting

  2. yes everybody like cricket players for their better performances~

  3. hes a risk,

    Plus he cares more about money, fame and hogging the limelight. Hes an arrogant hypocrite

  4. No, as he has alresdy lost his form after his very first century in the series.

  5. wouldnt be here if i didnt like it, but i think pieterson wont get it, hes more a batsman then a brain when it coms to cricket

  6. I think u r right .

  7. for the first question "Does anyone on here like cricket? " if we didn't why would we be answering cricket questions lol.

    anyway for the second bit i think  captaincy would get to pietersens head and would ruin his game

  8. fist question - I wouldn't be here if I didn't like cricket

    second question - I dont think he would get the captaincy, Collingwood or Bell are the next in line.. anyhow i dont think Vaughan would retired/resign he still on a mission.

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