
Does anyone out there have boardwalk?(monopoly) If so i have park place we can split the earnings 50/50.?

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Does anyone out there have boardwalk?(monopoly) If so i have park place we can split the earnings 50/50.?




  1. JW T, i need pennsylvania avenue what would it take for me to have it? email me at or if anyone else has any peices email me and we can talk..thanks - Robby

  2. There may be like 100 billion park places in circulation and one boardwalk.  The online game is also weighted to not make it likely that you will obtain your missing property, and will more than likely land on the same properties as you make revolutions around the board.

    The following are properties you will never obtain, because if you did, McDonalds would actually have to pay you some of the money that boosted their sales during this promotional period:

    Mediterranean Avenue

    Short Line

    Oriental Avenue

    Virginia Avenue

    Tennessee Avenue

    Kentucky Avenue

    Ventnor Avenue

    Pennsylvania Avenue


    You will never see those places, and if you play the online version, you will watch with amazement as you always seem to pass over that one property you need in the set if you would have just rolled a 'seven' instead of that 'eight'.  Oh well, maybe the next combo meal will give you the right codes to win something over $1 coupon at Toys-R-Us.

  3. Not trying to be mean or anything but some of those pieces are very common  and park place is one of them.   I have 14 extra park places  lol.  They do it to give people somthing to keep going back for  so if they make a lot of PP  then people are going to try real hard for Boardwalk.  That being said  most likely if by some miracle someone actually got Boardwalk  odds are they're going to have Park Place.    Im not to sure that the online game isnt somewhat rigged too.   On the collection paper board I am missing just one of every section  well on the online game I am missing just one of every section too and its the same ones I am missing on the sticker board  lol.  And I always miss landing of the one I need by like 1 space  lol.   Good l.uck to you though.

  4. No Boardwalk, but I have Pacific, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania Avenues. My people will call your people for a more concrete profit sharing plan later next week.

  5. seriously, if you would be willing to do the whole split it 50/50 for Pennsylvania, or even 60/50 (you get the 60) I'd be so appreciative, that money would totally help us make ends meet.

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