
Does anyone out there have divine ancestry?

by Guest45243  |  earlier

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Sorry, I keep aksing questions. But It is possible to have Gods as ancestors Ex, The Emperor of Japan Akihito is a Descendant of the Shinto Sun Goddess Amaterasu. I would like to know if anyone out there has divine ancestry, if you do tell me which God or Goddess etc. I am related somewhere to Alexander The Great (Somewhere on my mom's side) and he was the Son of the Greek god Zeus and the Egyptian god Amun. I am also related somewhere to Hercules and Perceus. Sorry again, I asked a question about divine ancestry again. But it is very possible. So tell me your divine ancestry if you know. If you don't know that's fine I would just like to know if anybody out there is.




  1. We all, as children of God have divine ancestry. We are all made in "HIs" image and therefore, have divine ancestry. If Eve was made from adam's Rib, and Adam was made of God then we all have divine ancestry. There are those ,who believe that Jesus was indeed married to Mary Magdeline, and that they indeed had a child and or children. If this is so, then that would mean that there are ancestors to Jesus and Mary Magdeline out there somewhere in the world today. We are all divine in nature, and our ancestry is not the only way we know-we can know it  in the actions we can observe of our fellow man and the children we birth, and the reflection we see in our mirrors each day.

  2. We are ALL children of God. I recognize the divine spark in you, and you should recognize the divine spark in me.

    Whether He breathed the first divine spark into what would  become a single-celled creature 1.4 billion years ago, evolve, crawl out of the sea, climb out of the trees and worship Him, or crafted Adam and Eve one cell at a time is immaterial.

    Work back to what you can prove with three independent sources, then stop. If you get all of your lines "done", take up fly-fishing or help someone else with their lines.

  3. I am guessing you are unhappy with your life as it is, right? Certainly that would explain your fantasy of divine ancestry. REALLY, that is not possible as those gods were make-believe. Now there MAY be a god or several but what you describe is simply imposable. Alexander the great, possible but shall we say I wouldn't hold my breath.

  4. Boy, aren't YOU delusional!!

    His father was King Phillip II of Macedon.......NOT a God, according to historical references.

    You cannot be a descendant of a mythical or fictional person and you are an idiot to think so.

    Outside of all that, it is highly unlikely you have ANY proof or factual records that prove your claims, since Alexander the Great lived before people generally documented such things, and before there were birth / marriage / death certificates.  Such records are a REQUIRED part of real genealogy research, along with wills, land deeds, church records, etc.  If you have truely done the research yourself and can prove this information, then you skills far exceed the best certified genealogist out there.  If all you are doing is reading someone elses phoney research on the internet, you have NOT traced anything.

  5. The way i see it, no matter what archeology says or science or whatever. we will never really know anything about the past because none of us were there. so you never know.

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