
Does anyone out there no of any good scar treatments?

by  |  earlier

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i have a pretty bad scar. ive tried using everything but nothing seems to work.. can anyone suggest anything that will definately work?? also the price if possible.. thanks




  1. try using lemon. apply it on the scarred area for about 1/2 -1 hr everyday. lemon is known as a skin bleacher. it'll make the scar go fairer. hope this helped. (:

  2. my mums had heaps of skin cancer scars. she reckons vitamin e oil or something like that. it has to have vitamin e in it.  

  3. bio oil baby!

    i used it for acne scars and its been doing good so recommends 3 months and im on my 2nd...its cheap also. and you could use it for scars, stretch marks and other stuff...some good ****.

    oo u can find it at walmart

  4. I worked at a dermatology office and the doctor used to recommend mederma,29.99 at cvs.

  5. you can use maderma (if you can stand it...its very irritating), or there is a more extreme treatment like microdermabrasion (scrape the layer of the skin off with crystal material) it doesn't hurt, even though it sounds bad...

    hope this helps

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