
Does anyone out there use Radionics/Psionics with success?

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I have two Radionics devices, one of them I assembled. I tried some Psionics set ups, I just haven't had any noticeable luck.




  1. No, nobody does, as far as anyone can tell. If anybody has achieved any success with this, they are being very quiet about it. I think it is much more likely that radionics and psionics are pseudosciences that don't work.

  2. A number of people that I know of. If you're at all interested, you can check out a fairly large forum site run by a friend of mine dealing with psionics. She also has a site full of fairly good articles, but I can't think of the URL off the top of my head, it's probably posted somewhere on the forum. Check it out. Hope I'm not breaking anti-advertising rules here.

  3. Had a really good friend who was seriously into all this stuff, he did Kirellian photography etc, and when he started getting arthritic pains in his legs he sent a blood sample and some money naturally, to an outfit that was promising to fix his symptoms by Radionics. All the way from USA to him in Saudi Arabia by the power of Radionics. Sadly his money was not in a ratio to the effects, he eventually gave up ( just before it would have worked honest). As the doctor told him later he had a dose of Richters Syndrome ( think thats spelled right) which turns out to be post a dose of clap! how mundane

  4. No - it never worked for me !

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