
Does anyone own a Puli?

by  |  earlier

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Just curious because I have never come across anyone who owns one.




  1. Well I'm sure some people do, but alas I do not. Nor have I met one.

  2. There are probably only around 1000 in the whole of the UK, so it's not surprising you haven't come across one.

    Even rarer is its big cousin the Komondor - there's probably less than 100 of those.

  3. No but I have met a couple... very unique looking dogs, that's as far as my knowledge goes!  

  4. no!!! but this lady we mow for has seversl the look like a dog with dredlocks or i use to call them a mop dog there hair is just like a rag mop... they are cute and she says they are real nice to have she shows her dogs akc... manchester tenn...

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