
Does anyone own a Vauxhall Tigra

by  |  earlier

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Or have you ever had one and what are they like




  1. No, they are considered to be a hairdressers car and I am a taxi driver.

  2. I wouldn't touch one of those with a very long barge pole, I had a terrible year with a Vauxhall Cavalier (the only things that weren't replaced were the alternator and starter motor!) - I ended up scrapping it as the only way of repairing it would've been to replace the engine - parts included

    Water pump

    Cylinder head gasket (twice - had the head skimmed the second time)

    Clutch - (the replacement was never right either)

    Clutch Cable


    (also used enough petrol (25mpg overall) and oil (1 litre = 300 miles)  to cause an energy crisis!

  3. Never owned a Vauxhall in over 30 years.  

  4. nope sorry but they are just hairdryers i own the daddy of vauxhalls the twintop 2.0 turbo blue. best car i have bought  

  5. my next door neboiugh had one for a fourtnight and then the engine blew.

    got a new one from vaxhall happeened again

    written off

    got a new one

    sold itr

    not good

  6. I had one and had nothing but trouble with it - I loved that car but it kept letting me down

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