
Does anyone own any red-footed tortoises?

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I have two redfoots and one is about 12 inches long and is bigger than a football. I do not know her age as she was given to me just two years ago. I love her like my children and would love to breed her, if I could find her a boyfriend! I also have a baby redfoot that is just over one year old and is about 4-5 inches long. We cannot tell if it is a boy or a girl yet. Anyway, we are always wanting to learn as much as we can about them and would really love to hear anything you can tell us about them.

Again, I want to breed my big one and am seeking to borrow a male red-foot ( or even buy one) and will split the babies with the male's owner. We want to hear from you red-foot owners, please!




  1. I keep a small "herd" of red foots (3 adults and 10 babies of various sizes) I raised my first one from a hatchling 12 years ago. I co-raise them with another keeper who has a herd of 5 adults. I keep them on a diet of greens (which I grow for them in the summer) and fruit supplemented with Mazuri tortoise chow. I am able to keep the outside during the summer and they make their way over to me, (and make quite a nuisance of themselves  actually!) and follow me around when I am outside with them. Very personable tortoises. The other keeper that I work with has a female who is still laying eggs. He acquired her from a family who bought her (as an adult) at an open air food market in South America, that was in the 1930's. So you can expect to have your redfoots for a very long time. Feel free to e-mail me if you have specific questions  

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