
Does anyone own the cat breed "toyger"?

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I'd like to know about it's temperment




  1. I own 2.

    Well correction,they're my aunts and we live together [not for much longer though,I'll be moving soon]

    I would never EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVAR seek out a toyger.

    They're an awful breed. Especially my aunts. One is a bleu[blue? - means shes gray] and she is a vicious thing. The other looks more like a tiger but all she does is whine and cry all day. They enjoy jumping on everything..even entertainment centers that are really high. Thehy go on tables, couches, chairs. There are no boundaries, with a toyger.

    Today I found the brown one on top of the internet router which was on top of the cable box on a computer table [in the air]

    Please don't ever get one. I can't wait to be rid of them. My  14 year old cat [a tabby and possibly maine coon mix] is much more normal. These cats are like wild animals...

  2. Very few do as it's a new breed so I highly doubt you're going to find any Toyger owners on here.

    If you think it looks like a tiger cub - it doesn't in the least bit.  Perhaps in a 100 years it'll have the rounded ears and striping of a tiger.  It'll obviously never have the build of a tiger - it's a domestic cat.  Right now it just looks like what is - a cross between a Bengal and a non-pedigree domestic tabby.

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