
Does anyone play Dungeons and Dragons?

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is it still fun?




  1. I play with the local university students, D&D and other roleplaying games such as Call of Cthulhu and Legend Of The 5 Rings.  All are good fun and great ways to spend time with friends and have some escapist fun whether you're fighting goblins, investigating evil cults or trying to convince the Daimyo to let you investigate a murder.  Go roleplaying!

  2. It's funny,this question is asked at least once or twice a month.

    Yes people still play, it is very fun. Been playing for 30 years.

    and have not grown tired of it, just the opposite.

    You should get back into it!

  3. I play D&D 3.5 in homegames as well as during Conventions in the Living Greyhawk Campaign.

    I'm a member of the RPGA (Role-Playing Gamers' Association) and there are plenty of others around who play, really.

  4. I play with a group of friends, we use a program called D20 pro which simplifies our battle damage and movements.  I think it's alot of fun especially if you enjoy spending time with those you are playing with.

  5. I swear, this question is asked every single week on Yahoo Questions. Of course people play D&D!! Do a google search for cryin' out loud!

  6. There are a few old school gamers who still use the previous rule editions at this group:

    We have a great time, and we don't have to keep buying the same titles over and over.

  7. my husband does. he now plays the online version. its crazy! i know when him and his friends get around and hang out they still play it together.

  8. no

  9. Yes people still play.  Yes it is still fun.  There are regular conventions all across the country and a full line of products available for the game that is always being expanded.

  10. who's Anyone?

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