
Does anyone play the oboe because I have a question?

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OK so next year when I go into fifth grade I am playing the oboe because we got to try out the instruments to see what was right for us and I got the oboe so we told them that I am going to play oboe. Can you give me some tips and how easy or hard it is. Don't tell me not to play it because I already told them I am playing it.




  1. playing oboe is much harder then playing a clarinet, but it is possible!

    it is harder because it is a double reeded instrument, which means you have to change your ombechure(sp?) to get a better tone. but the fingerings are pretty much the same as a clarinet.

    i would try to take private lessons just to get a heads up! but they can be pretty expensive.

    and like someone else said, once you hit highschool, and you audition for concert band or wind ensemble, you won't have as much competition.

    good luck sweetie!

  2. One of my friends plays the oboe, and its a great instrument because you can do amazing solos, and there isn't as much competition as clarinets and flutes.

  3. i love that sound. when i was your age it was torn between the desire to learn and play the saxaphone and the oboe. unfortunately, my parents could not afford to buy me an instrument and later on i played football and ran track. years later, i really wish i could have studied music and played the oboe or saxaphone. good luck to you. it can be a lifelong thing. i missed out.

  4. Yes, it is true - Oboe is a challenge to learn how to play really well.  But the ones who welcome the challenge, take private lessons, and practice diligently will sound beautiful.

    I think one of your most important things to realize is that Oboes are notorious for having beautiful, lyrical, melodies that you hear in classical pieces.  So, your TONE / Sound is extremely important!  I would do a LOT of LONG TONE practice.  Also, vibrato will be another aspect to the tone. ( Vibrato = waves in the sound)

    Your embouchure will have to be developed, and strengthened, so keep in mind that at first, you may not be able to play for a long amount of time.  Build up by practicing every day.  

    I would start looking for any OBOE instrumental music that is out there.  Because if you start to listen to someone else's beautiful sound, you will have an idea of what you need to sound like at some point!

    Good Luck!

  5. Did somebody say Hobo????


  6. Get a tuner and practice playing in tune. It will help you later on. To get into the habit of not being in tune on an oboe is worse that the sound of a piccolo haha. And especially when you get to High school that is so important. Well good luck I know you'll do great!

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