
Does anyone play volleyball on a high school team?

by  |  earlier

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How can I get better on my serves. My balls go over the net sometimes. How can I make them go over everytime.




  1. improve your serve angles, but also work on  your armstrength. Everything will be better if you work on it more.

  2. i will be in a couple years!!!

  3. YEA I play varsity on Appalichicn and  i am 13 in 8th it rocks

  4. Yeah. I am on Varsity. Well my coach made me throw the ball from one side of the court to the other to get my overhand serves.

  5. i used to have trouble with my setrves, try a bench press and push ups, but if you want to try what i did, i served a beachball to the roof , ( i don't know how it works, but for me it did,) but they say doing bench press really works(along with practice)

  6. i dont but i do play basketball..i lovve b-ballin'...

  7. my brother is a ranger and is built real muscular and i know how he got that way pushups swimming only using your arms pullups and benchpressing

  8. well if you serve underhand, you should try curls. for an overhand or power serve you just have to do it alot. that will help you build the strength. to keep the ball out of the net try hitting the ball sooner. when its higher (for over hand) same for underhand too. its really depends on your release point. and if you serve with a closed fist make sure you make a totally flat contact with the ball. if you dont and you hit it with the side of edge of your fist it will go out of bounds. Good Luck!! keep practicing! :)

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