
Does anyone put a boppy in their childs crib?

by  |  earlier

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Hello, I was just wondering if anyone puts a boppy pillow in thier childs crib for them to sleep at during the night. She doesn't like to lay flat. This doesn't mean I'm going to do it. I'm just curious. No rude answers or I'll report you. We have moved the crib in the bedroom and she's six months old. Tonight will be her first night in a crib!





  1. I wouldn't put the boppy in the crib..

    They do sell sleep positioners that keep the baby at an incline, so she won't have to lie flat...

  2. At six months she should be rolling over so no I would not use it. But yes we did use it in the crib for a boy that was only 2 months old. He was a premiee and liked to be cuddled.

  3. You shouldn't put any pillows  in your baby's crib til she's at least 12 months old.

  4. when we moved to our new place about a month ago his room was further away than it was at our old place and we just let him lay on the living room floor till we got a monitor and we used his boppy than cause the floor is kind of hard with out any thing on top of it and when we started putting him back in his crib he would have a fit so one night out of desperation we put his boppy in his crib and he slept great. he to has never liked to lay flat since the day he was born and he is like his dad as far as sleeping goes he hardly moves so when he fells asleep he stays in one spot with his boppy but with out it he moves and wakes up cause he is no longer comfy  

  5. No...bad idea!!

  6. I never did that, but i also didn't have a boppy back then, but.. i will say that a pillow in the crib is not a good idea, even with a six month old,,,, what about those crib wedges they sell?  they prop up the mattress so she is not flat, maybe you could try that?  

    good luck I hope your baby sleeps well ..

  7. I did.  My daughter was the same way, she would not sleep flat.  She loved it and we got more sleep too.

  8. Nope, my baby girl is 2 and just starting to use one.

  9. No, it is a suffocation risk just like a pillow.  Until she is 12 months old she is still at risk for SIDS so she shouldn't have anything in the crib that she could suffocate on.  

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