
Does anyone "maintain" the world wide web?

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Does anyone "maintain" the world wide web?




  1. -I Think Different People Look After All The Sites, Not Just 1 Person

  2. Depends on what you mean by "maintain"

    There is a group (ICANN) that handles the assigning of IP addresses and Domain Names

    There is a group that handles the design of the protocols (TCP/IP, Wireless standards, etc) used to connect the Internet

    There are ISPs that handle the cables and phone lines needed to operate the Internet

    But there is no group that maintains all the millions of individual computers that host the web sites of the Internet.  Each site on the Internet is "maintained" by the individual (or organization) that owns the web site.

  3. the WWW is put together by many servers hosting HTTP and FTP server those servers are managed by there owners/leasers.

    So there is no ONE person, its MANY people.


    This web site will show you where the top level servers of the internet are. If all of them went down for some reason, the internet would cease to exist, so I guess you could say that the people maintaining them are the ones that maintain the www.

    For more info, try googleing "13 root servers"

  5. the internet itself is just a huge network of computers connected to each other.  this is why it's so hard to decide over jurisdiction, since no one country/person can "own" the internet.

  6. What web?  The www and the Internet are two different things.  The www is just a "term" that applies to all the web servers that are connected to the Internet.  Each HTML server can link to specific pages on other HTML servers creating the "web" effect.  The owner of each server is responsible for maintaining their own presence on the WWW.

    The Internet is different, there are multiple companies who maintain their sections of the Internet.  Verizon for example.

    The Internet is collection of individual networks that are linked together through a common protocol called Internet Protocol - a.k.a. IP.  The development of IP and all it's little nuances is controlled by a group called the Internet Engineering Task Force -

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