
Does anyone read <span title="">voiceofthepeoplelobbygrou...</span> about climate change?

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A local radio station uses quotes from this group and its very interesting so who is telling the truth I cannot make up my mind.




  1. I could tell just by looking at the name above that it was a political site, not a scientific one, but in the interest of fairness I took a look at the site.  It was exactly what I expected.  Political lobbyists are going to tell you only what they want you to believe, whether there&#039;s any truth in it or not.  This isn&#039;t the place to find impartial scientific observations of any kind.  When the author of one of their editorials feels compelled to introduce himself by saying, &quot;I am a rocket scientist&quot;, you can tell he&#039;s trying a little too hard for credibility.

  2. I found a short article there titled, &quot;How Green are We?&quot;, that makes me proud of my Australian relatives.  Here&#039;s a quote that says it all:  

    &quot;The multinationals can convince the media and politicians that the temperature is rising when NASA shows no significant rise. They convinced professors and teachers that the seas will rise if the Arctic melts yet, everyone knows that the ice will shrink 10% as it melts back to water. There will be no increase in volume and no rise in water levels.

    Will putting coal dust on farm land save the planet? I don&#039;t think so but it will sure make the multinationals rich as they get rid of useless coal dust waste.

    The GREEN-HOAX story is a scam. The people who peddle the lies must be exposed. The money being misappropriated to cure the imaginary problem must be returned and the thieves must be prosecuted.&quot;

    To answer your question:  Yes, I read it now, thank you.

  3. Certainly not very many and it obviously isn&#039;t the voice of the people.  

  4. They&#039;re crackpots.

    Look, there is no &quot;debate&quot; about man-made global warming--its proven fact.  It&#039;s as simple as that.  Once the facts are in, it&#039;s not like a political issue where you can keep debating because people have different values and ideas about what should be done. Scientific facts, once established, simply are. You either know the facts or you don&#039;t--but there is no &quot;debate.&quot;

  5. Isn&#039;t it funny how Socialists trying to impose ever greater rule over a society call themselves things like &#039;democratic&#039; or &#039;voice of the people&#039; or some such nonsense?

    No, I&#039;d never heard of that site.  I can tell just by the name it is not what it claims to be.  Besides, science is not an issue to be guided by popular opinion.  That is the realm of demagoguery.

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