
Does anyone read the news alot?

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Does anyone know the story of the two twins that were split apart after birth at an adoption agency? The mother was young, and put the twins up for adoption. Scientists told the mother that they would make sure the twins had a fulfilling life, but they were going to be split apart. One twin was sent to California, and the other was sent to New York. Then, years later the twins when they were grown up, they were reunited and scientists each ran scientific tests on the twin girls to see how the environment affects identical twins. Currently, the twins live together. This was about two years ago.

Does anyone know about that story? I have to write a paper about it, and I can't seem to find it. If you have, please provide me a source where maybe I can find the article online.




  1. Sounds like an uban legend.  Also, "alot" is two words (a lot).

  2. Well, it's similar to "The Parent Trap" and "Sister Sister.."

    I'm not sure about that specific case, but I know the University of Minnesota Psychology department has a registry of twins.  They do a big study of twins separated at birth.  The link below gives some information about that study.  

    If you want to search google news, these sets of twins are "separated at birth."  I searched it, but I didn't find the example you gave. I put a few sources of twins that have been reunited since being separated at birth.

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