
Does anyone realize that global warming is unrelated to the ozone hole?

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Does anyone realize that global warming is unrelated to the ozone hole?




  1. i didnt kno that   thx!

  2. The Ozone depletion thing faded out just like global warming will in the near future when real scientists finally wake up and tell Gore that he and his money hungry scientists are full of c**p....

    Funny how we recognize politics as corrupt, yet when you talk about corrupt scientists....  OMG the libtards go crazy....

    Now Ozone is helping CO2????  What rock did these people crawl from under?

  3. Everyone knows its all the republicans fault. We hate the environment and want everyone to die

  4. On a technical scale, you're correct.  CFC's are the main chemicals responsible for the hole in the ozone layer, while methane, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and other gases are responsible for what we're now calling global warming (please keep in mind that there is no possible way for science to definitively conclude that humans are causing temperature change, but for the sake of this question, it exists).  The overarching theme is the same though.  Gases and other chemicals emitted by human activity are having adverse affects on the planet.  This is why the two topics are so often found in conjunction with one another.

  5. Sure.  Pretty much every climatologist in the world.

    Note that there are some minor interactions.  CFCs are potent greenhouse gases, and the loss of ozone is slowing global warming in Antarctica.  But those are minor.

  6. In what sense? While there are different processes at work, guess who's ultimately responsible for them both...

  7. No actually. Its because facts like that aren't (conveniently) told in reports. i.e. Th inconvenient truth. I say F it all and do what i do cuz i have a small carbon footprint and I'm happy with my life so te ozon isn't of my consern. (Unless a cosmic string hits us OMG :( CO3 and CO and NO2 everywhere!)

  8. Yeah it has to deal with green house gases not the ozone, Green house gases stay in the air with the ozone and hold the heat from leaving.

  9. I thought everyone knew that.  Judging by the responses here I guess that's everyone except the D/s entourage.

  10. Thanks for asking a stupid question.  In fact global warming and ozone holes are directly related.   Scientist's are concerned that continued global warming will accelerate ozone destruction and increase stratospheric ozone depletion. Ozone depletion gets worse when the stratosphere (where the ozone layer is), becomes colder. Because global warming traps heat in the troposphere, less heat reaches the stratosphere which will make it colder. Greenhouse gases act like a blanket for the troposphere and make the stratosphere colder. In other words, global warming can make ozone depletion much worse right when it is supposed to begin its recovery during the next century.

  11. i thought that the gas from cars and other gases go up to that atmosphere and ripped a hole in it.

  12. Them lazy liberals can not find a garbage can most less an ozone.

  13. actually their kissing cousins on their mothers side, but its a family secret, so lets keep that skeleton in the closet.

  14. That's heresy.

    How dare you say that some of global warming's faith is based on flawed science.

  15. yes, it has to do with the sun and other natural cycles.

  16. OOOHHHH!!! I DO I DO!!

    I also realize that the miniscule amounts of global warming are nothing more insidiuos than natural cycles of the Earth that were going on long before man and will continue long after we're gone.

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