
Does anyone realize that the Obama/Biden Ticket is......?

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Does anyone realize that the Obama/Biden Ticket is " BACKWARDS " ?

Why did the DNC fail to comprehend the fact that it makes no sense to run the LESS experienced Candidate for President & the MORE experienced Candidate for Vice-President as the Democrats have done ?

Isn't the Democratic Ticket similar to hiring an Office Clerk to run a Company & a CEO to assist the Office Clerk ?

Isn't voting for Obama just like taking you car to a transmission repair shop which tells you " Don't Worry.....we are assigning our LEAST experienced mechanic to work on your car " ?




  1. LOL. Yeah. You hit the nail on the head. Common sense in America went the way of 29 cents/gallon gas.

  2. Your analagy is not correct...Presidents don't equal mechanics. A man's excellence as an administrator doesn't equal a set of mechanical skills. Frankly, Obama Biden makes a lot more sense than McCain Palin. McCain's only selling point is that he was shot down in Viet Nam because he was a crappy pilot, and Palin has absolutely no proven abilities other than to be elected as mayor of a small town and governor of a state with zilch population.

  3. Nah

  4. Yes why do you think I'm voting the other way they can attack McCain and his VP all they want about experience they just look like Idiots considering the top of their ticket has no experience....

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