
Does anyone really believe Palin is a "Hockey Mom"?

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Isn't a hockey mom/soccer mom a stay at home mom who has dedicated her life to taking care of her kids, chaffering them to multiple activities (such as soccer/hockey).

In reality she is a governor and now VP candidate? How much time could she really have to dedicate to her kids (and btw who is taking care of her infant)?

Palin is not who she is pretending to be.




  1. What is your problem with women.  are you afraid it affects your manhood to have a femal commander in chief?  If you are that weak, there is nothing to defend.


  2. LOL.....You could not be more wrong.

    GOVERNOR Palin has a 90 % APPROVAL RATING in Alaska.

    The Facts ARE that Palin is an ACCOMPLISHED GOVERNOR who GOVERNED ( which is something Obama NEVER did ) for 2 years during which time she reformed her own Republican Party in Alaska & was responsible for the prosecution of corrupt Republican Politicians ( Obama has NEVER reformed ANY corruption ANYWHERE ) & reformed the corrupt Oil Industry in Alaska.

    Obama has ONLY 143 days of Senate experience during which time Obama NEVER ACCOMPLISHED ANYTHING .

    Obama dedicated his life to being a " Community Organizer " for ONLY the BLACK COMMUNITY

    Obama should GO BACK  to being a " Community Organizer "

  3. Hmmmmm.  I know of someone pretending to be what he's not.

    Palin is real.  You can't even make stuff like her up.  She's not a phony. .

  4. h**l no!  In her bio it says that she went back to work 3 days after giving birth to her son Trig, who is also a special needs baby.  Hey isn't her motto "Alaska first, Alaska always", or something to that affect?  

    Maybe the dad can quit his job and take care of him, or maybe she is a Governor in name only, I would respect the latter more, that way I would know beyond a doubt her true dedication and that she values her family.  Right now, it just looks like a good slogan.

    Edit - Forestby, what is the earliest memory you have of a President with a 5 month old in the White House? Most of the time their kids are older and are off at boarding school somewhere.  Can you imagine being in the meeting with the Joint Chiefs and you all of a sudden hear a screaming baby?  Well, forget that, we would never be meeting with the joint chiefs, lol.

  5. Republicans have to pick a Hockey mom, because they don't have any smart accomplished women like the Democrats do.... it really is sad for the republicans

  6. " smart accomplished women like the dems do"

    You mean like Clinton, the one you Obama supporters called a racist?

    Or Geraldine Ferraro?  another woman you Obama supporters falsley accused of being a racist

  7. They do not have to.. It is called branding...

  8. If her child plays hockey, then yes.

  9. Ur not sexist.  The republicans have traditionally been sexist and now they want us all to forget about it. They also want us to forget that they have always promoted family values which means mom and dad married with kids, mom raising the kids, daddy working.  Just because for 5 days they are pretending to be pro woman does not replace all the years when they were not.  Before it is all over with , they will ask Palin to step down.  Watch and see.

  10. If Kerry can be a hockey player, Palin can be a "Hockey Mom".

  11. i agree, but there will be those on the right who will ask "what the puck are you talking about?"

  12. That's it, keep that sexism alive!

    You seem to think soccer/hockey moms sit on their rump all day at home.  

  13. Who takes care of the male politicians children?  

  14. You are spot on accurate.  I believe that Sarah Palin is vain narcissist who is in love wth her own celebrity.   What will she do during the campaign dump her 'tard' infant on a nanny and wait for her daughter to deliver a b*****d child ?  

  15. Unless she drives a Dodge Caravan with Slurpee-size cupholders, she's not a TRUE soccer-mom.

    And, NO, not all "soccer moms" are stay-at-home moms who cater to their kids.  I'm not a soccer mom, never was, never will be, never EVER drove a minivan, but I know plenty who ARE and nearly all of them have jobs, too.  Some of them even have very GOOD jobs.

    I'm sorry, but your brand of generalizing and stereotyping is offensive to me.  For the record, Sarah Palin is also offensive to me, not because of her kids or her lifestyle, but because of the reason she was chosen as VP-pick ... simply because she's a woman, and presumably will appeal to all of us who are female?

    P L E A S E ... the McCain camp should've thought this one through a little better.  Women are not interchangeable.  Sarah Palin is NOT Hillary Clinton.  Not even close.

  16. I totally agree. why is a mother of 5 trying to run a whole country, why not run your own household and teach your daughter about safe s*x instead of just absintence.

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