
Does anyone really believe that the women who backed Hilary will vote for an anti-choice homophobic bigot.?

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I say NO WAY!!

Obama '08




  1. I agree, McCain already represents those two issues. If Hillary supporters switch to the republican side, that probably means they were only voting for a women in the first place.

  2. Bigot? The only bigot I see is Obama. He's a racist bigot!

  3. I could not agree more.  Bad move....well good for us USA loving Dems.

  4. Of course not. After Insulting 18,000,000 people like she did, Sarah will be another footnote in History....A very small Note.

  5. If African Americans can stand behind Barack irrespective of their opinions then why can't women do the same. I don't see anything wrong in either cases. This is a historic moment for both. There is no way the next government can ban abortions, if that's what bothers you. Palin is the first one to provide benefits to the same s*x couples in Alaska. I think she is more common sense.

  6. I found that an ironic observation from the neo conservatives.  The only person who will benefit from this unholy union is big business.  This will likely completely eradicate the middle class.

  7. only the ones with a brain.....

  8. She was picked to energize the conservative base   and to highlight Obama's snub of Hillary. The pick will not get many votes of Hillary's supporters but it will reminds them what happened and diminish their enthusiasm . It is a sort of an undo  of the efforts for Unity  at the democratic convention.

  9. I just got off the phone with my cousin. I was asking her the same question. As if people only wanted Hillary because she's a woman. I know it might have been A reason... but not THE reason.

  10. any woman that backs Hilary is most likely going to still vote Democratic. As for being a homophobe? just because she doesn't believe in g*y marriage you place this title on her?

  11. Just for some background. If I were an American citizen, I would vote for Obama.  On the other hand, if you take a good hard look at the language you use, I would advise you to remove the word "bigot". Because frankly your language portrays just a little bit of that too. Even your nickname cold give that impression.

    I think this lady does have a lot of admirable qualities.  Also, there are some people, I don't know how many, who will unthinkingly vote that ticket just because there is a woman on it.

    Personally, I don't generally vote for a person or a party based on just one issue, but rather on the whole tendency of government. One thing I have against Palin is her stand for the Rifle Association.  That, to me, stinks of a lot of other things. However, I prefer her to McCain in some ways. I respect her more. She doesn't seem to be a "yes" person.


    When I look at some of the answers here, I think it is clear that many people don't vote on a reasoned basis but on an emotional one. A single issue, or the gender, or the colour of a person is enough to make people believe anything good or bad that is spread about that person because they are already inclined to support that person for non rational reasons.  This applies as much to men as to women.  So yes, some will vote for her just because she was a woman. If it were true that 30% of Clinton backers were to vote for McCain (I thinnk it is only 10%) it would be because they were already Republicans or because the only attraction to Hillary was her being a woman.

  12. No because they are too smart and principled  for that. Palin is an insult for both women and men.

  13. It's a complete insult to women. I can't imagine a hilary supporter voting for a women just because she's a women. They're wayyyyyy smarter then that.  

  14. Don't underestimate how stupid some people are.

  15. I agree.  Women will not be fooled by this cynical tokenism.

  16. The latest poll I saw was that 30% of Hillary supporters do support McCain.  

    This should be a signal to open up your eyes and wonder what is wrong with your political party rather than making ad hominem attacks and faulty accusations.

    I am also betting that  you are a selfish woman who does not believe that a father has a right to his unborn child either.  You are only pro-choice in your narrow frame.

  17. No but they will vote for Sarah Palin.

  18. not ruddy likely. myself i was a Hillary backer in part because of her gender but if her politics had been like Palin's, I wouldn't have given her a second look. they could have done better with condoleeza rice .

  19. In McCain's mind, a 'skirt' is a 'skirt'. And thats a slap in the face to every American woman out there!

  20. The majority are gonna do the right thing and vote McCain, girlfriend, you just sit back and watch!

  21. Not if they really stand for who Hillary is and what she has accomplished!  This Palin woman is where she is today because of women like Hillary!!  Definitely not because of women like herself.  

  22. Golly, are you saying women can actually think past gender?

    Obviously, McCain doesn't think you can.

  23. McCain obviously does.

    Obama 2008!

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