
Does anyone really believe the Bush proposed troop pullout is real?

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Given the history of this (it's always sometime next year that things will change) who can believe this is anything but an election year ploy.

Would you be willing to go on record as saying that our troops are leaving next spring?




  1. trust me, it's real like the one of

  2. Bush has said ALLLLL ALONG that the troops will come home when the mission is complete and when it is safe to do so. I am GLAD that  he is holding his ground, even though it is unpopular by the Liberals...(who never bothered to encourage the sons to enlist in the military anyways).

    I am a Republican and asked my son to enlist in the military. He served 6 years in the US Army did what his country asked him to do, serving one tour in Iraq and one tour in Afghanistan. He is now Honorably Discharged and has $50,000 for his college tuition. Today he started his classes to become an electronic engineer. I am very proud of him.

    Violence has decreased and the Iraqi police and military HAVE made dramatic improvements and greatly increased their strength. If this continues, I predict that we WILLLL leave Iraq next year.

  3. it makes me laugh when people say bush just wants oil.

    if people used their little pea brains they would see this has almost nothing to do with it. the only way oil becomes an advantage is if Iraq finally becomes our ally. Likely, seeing as the voting turnout for each city, one by one, is rising by more than 60%.

    sorry just wanted to respond to the ignoramus above.

  4. George Bush will not be President next spring, so he will not be able to withdraw the troops. Even if whoever is elected President in November 2008, withdraws the troops, as promised, all that means is that they will not be where they are right now!!!! Most likely they will come home to thier families and relatives and there will be a lot of media publicity about that. After a while when the story about the troops pullout gets a bit old, and the media forgets about it and gets on to other important stories, (most likely the same) troops will be deployed to another foriegn country (most likely Afganistan!!!!). This is what I anticipate will hapen based upon statements made by the candidates of the two major parties, and my judgement of what may happen after the election is all over with and we have a new person for President.

    This is an important election select you President carefully!!!!

  5. BAH!!!!  Why do people always say we went in for the OIL???  If we did, why isn't our gas prices less than $3.00.  Idiots!!!

    Anyways to answer your question... No our troops aren't coming home next spring, but I believe they will be out of the major cities for the most part.

    Our troops have won the war...  despite the incompentence of Bush.  We should honor them.

  6. seeing as a definate pullout date hasn't been proposed and approved up til now, I think he'll stick by it. He will probably leave some troops on bases, but thats about it. I think Bush or the next President will do it to reposition the troops to better prepare for tensions between either Iran or Russia.

  7. **** bush. hes a fascist pig. all he wants is the oil.i doubt he will pull out.

  8. Sweetie, lets be honest with ourselves.  Bush is a Liar and does NOT care for this country.

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