
Does anyone really believe the "it's climate change not global warming" argument?

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For years it was "the planet has a fever" and "July weather in May, that's global warming and soon we'll have July weather in April and Atlanta weather in Boston."

Well, now, not so much. This year it was September weather in July and August and Seattle weather in Boston.

And now the story is "well it's really climate change, and only a dunce thinks it means just warmer temperatures, it means fluctuations."

But only a dunce would fail to see the story change, only a dunce would fail to see that the weather has always fluctuated, only a dunce would fail to see that the predictions keep not coming true and keep changing.

Does ANYONE believe the "global warming / climate change" argument? And if so - which version of this ever-changing argument do you believe?




  1. If you had been studying the issue instead of just listening to pundits, perhaps you would long since have known that global warming and cooling come with other widespread climate changes characteristic of each.

    So you would have been expecting less uniform weather with either global warming or global cooling taking place. You might also have observed that the theory anticipates that rapid rises in temperature or drops in temperature are often followed by reversal of that rapid change when a build up of heat causes some inversion.

    This aspect of the theory provides a simple out when anyone predicts anything. There are enough circumstances in which results opposite to the general trend are to be expected that all predictions have to be very long term.

    This is not expected to have the precision of a prophecy from on high that we can know exactly what will happen and when.

  2. Many people believe it and we are not the ones to tell them whether they are right or wrong, its there own view. All we can do is present the other side of the argument and remind them the thing the defend to strongly is only an unproven theory and certainly not settled science as Mr Gore puts it.

  3. ya it's really climate change  

  4. Nobody believes the climate scare is anything more than a tax grab.

  5. Yes, we are accelerating the process however, but to what what degree it is not definitive.

    Did you know that most of the earth's history contained no polar ice caps?

    We are still coming out of an ice age.

  6. it is MOSTLY do to global climate change imo. How come global warming never occurred over 100 yrs ago in the industrial rev when the situation was much worse?


  7. Unfortunately a lot of people have bought into the argument.  You will not believe the amount of Europeans who have been complaining for years that "we no longer have summers like we use to", then they go on the say with a worried look on their face, "the climate is changing".

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