
Does anyone really care about Miley Cyrus' fashoin blunder? Why is it front page on Yahoo??

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Does anyone really care about Miley Cyrus' fashoin blunder? Why is it front page on Yahoo??




  1. I too wonder why these no news stories are spread accross

    Web home pages. They are all fluff not worth the time to put the them there.

  2. Because you don't have to be smart to write an article about Miley Cyrus wearing an ugly hat.

    Writing a news article about the Energy Industry, or offshore oil drilling, or the current battle in Afghanistan, or even President Bush's plan to return American to the Moon would require KNOWLEDGE and HARD WORK....

    and if reporters were good at either one of those they wouldn't have become reporters in the first place.

    When I was in college I took some "communications and journalism" classes...and was astonished at both how good looking my classmates were (that's why I took the classes) and how stunningly DUMB they were as well. It was entirely possible to get a Journalism degree without ever having to take even one really hard class, EVER, in your 4 years at college.

    Most reporters are dumber than a can of Spam.

  3. Yahoo News is just about the worst ever.  It's like the National Enquirer every time I turn on the computer.  but I guess it's trying to keep up with the same level of quality as the main stream media.

  4. Who is Miley Cyrus?

  5. I don't care. Just goes to show how messed up society is. People are dying all over the world and they are not front page news. Disgusting.

  6. she wears far too much make up. how old do her managers want her to look!

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