
Does anyone really care if the Chinese faked the fireworks?

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Or the little girl wasn't really singing?




  1. No one cares. It's just a reminder that what you see from China on TV and media during the Olympics is not the whole truth or maybe even a truthful story.

  2. They should to a point. It shows what they will do for propaganda

  3. Next thing you know, people will be trying to tell me that all those stunts in the movies are not real either. I suppose Batman is some made up character, too.

  4.   Wow, the chinese and half of the worlds women have something in common.

  5. Let's get it straight here: 28 of the 29 gigantic firework footprints had been pre-recorded and worked on, but the 29 firework footprints were Really & Live lit and displayed at night on 8.8.2008 in Beijng.

    Here is a video filmed by an amateur camera, in which you can  hear loud cheers from the spectators and see the firework footprints lit up the night sky of Beijing.

    (Google on Youtube: AAA29 footprints fireworks beijing olympic opening ceremony" )

    There are also articles in Chinese recounting the detials of the firework footprint at that night. (Unforturnately, guess your guys cant read Chinese.)

    BTW, ever heard of the fire in the NBC studio fireplace during the 2002 Salt Lake Games? NBC also has augmented its Olympic coverage in the past to set the right mood.

    (Google: NBC blowing smoke with TV 'fireplace' )

    Why would it become such a heck when NBC had already set an example before Beijing Olympic organizers? Let's not be a hypocrite!

  6. I dont care at all about the fireworks. But that little girl should have been allowed to sing for herself- and if the "cuter" kid could not sing she should not have been there.

  7. Didn't matter to me whether it was real or not. It looked very impressive none the less. Not to mention that it didn't pose the type of serious fire danger that a display that big would normally entail.

  8. they are just Westernizing, like lip-syncing Britney, Jessica Simpson, Fergi pissed her pants, Fox News Proprganda Network, give em some slack, they are rookie Capitalist~!!!

  9. Hey, if it made the fireworks look more cool, I'd rather have some of them fake.

  10. I don't.  I have a clean record.  I have not watched any of the Olympics.

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