
Does anyone really know if the bush admin and his fellow criminals(my opinion) really have an interest in oil?

by Guest33034  |  earlier

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why is the us so far behind in alternative fuels and saving the planet if the big cheese isnt getting rich off the oil?




  1. Well the big cheese is in oil as America is addicted to it and it is very much apart of their daily lives and infrastructure...

    If the oil flow is to stop or is limited, the country will be thrown into chaos with poverty and crime increasing overnight....

    The big slice of cake you are right is from alternative fuels but many refused to believe this is the case and oil is a solution to any immediate problem whether it be war, famine, homeless etc. as oil and coal burns at such high temperatures and ultimatly is what powers all our homes and cars at the current time.

    That is why to a political leader, oil is the name of the game for any descions and to lead their country into economic success....

    This is why we have these oil hungry leaders all over the world, not just the US, that are trying to cover up global warming as if it an issue of national security..

    An excellent movie (before Al gore & even better than his movie), is called the end of suburbia on this subject...

    It is also about to release a sequel so be sure to watch the first one at is an excellent documentry.

  2. It's funny you ask that.

    Everyone who pays for gas at the pump owes it to themself to see this link.

    Narrated by the powerful voice of the famous Ed Asner

    Not only does it answer your question, but a lot more.

    Notice how every viewer has rated it 5 out of 5 stars.  It is truly an amazing production that will answer all the questions you have ever wondered about whether the war in Iraq is about oil or not.

    What you will see in incredible.  In the first 2 minutes, you see rare footage of inside the first stealth fighters that flew over Iraq, and you get to hear real time their radio communications with base as they released bombs.  Incredible!

    It is a movie, so save the whole thing for home when you can relax an watch it.  But if you are at work, let the whole thing load in the background, and watch the last 5 minutes or so.  Then go home and learn the whole story!

    Also make sure you see the satellite imaging of the middle east at 17:45

    Good luck and if you enjoyed this please share this with others.

    If you want to see another

    Now you see why the media is too scared to tell you the whole truth.

  3. bush, cheney, and their oil-company-affiliated administration certainly benefited from oil contracts after the iraq invasion, but their primary mission in the mideast was not oil security.  it was neoconservative imperialism.

    many of the puppeteers pulling the strings behind the bush administration are flat-out american imperialists with a public mission to "spread american values across the globe."  their plan to 'democratize' the entire middle east (starting with an iraq invasion) was publicly outlined by the Project for the New American Century.  Check out their website and see what the men behind the bush administration have really been after.

    " We seem to have forgotten the essential elements of the Reagan Administration's success: a military that is strong and ready to meet both present and future challenges; a foreign policy that boldly and purposefully promotes American principles abroad; and national leadership that accepts the United States' global responsibilities."

  4. just think of this ,

    Nothing is ever as it appears ,

    A lot that is happening in the middle east is a smoke screen for something else

    what that is remains the big question .

    One theory is that the roots of the illuminaty lie in Iraq ,the Home of many archeological sites ,Babylon,the city of Ur ,and Mu .Noahs Arc ,the Garden of Ednen wa ssuposedly discoverd there on an ancient island in a dry sea (dessert)

    with many funaral mounds with skelltons of Giants ,and legend has it that this was the garden oif Eden ,traces of ancient irigation systems can still be seen.,Were these the Nephilim (the fathers of the Illuminati?????)

    Who knows ,maybe the ground has to many secrets ,that some people want to remain secret ,because they contradict the religious manipulative teachings .

    And who says that the world leaders are working for the countries they represent ,they are working for their own clans ,and follow a different Agenda .

    Bloodlines of the illuminati by David Icke

  5. He's a gagillionaire off of oil.

  6. i believe so, since a lot of them have stocks.. etc in oil companies, at the same time the govmt gives subsidies to corn producers so they ( govmt) can control that industry & no alternative fuel that uses corn can be used.

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