
Does anyone really remember global cooling?

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I am pretty old, I remember a lot of things from back then, but global cooling is not one of them. Do you really remember global cooling, or are you regurgitating information feed to you in recent history?




  1. Yes,I do and if you would have believed those stories we should of been under 10 feet of ice by the year 2000 and since that never happened I sure ain't going to worry about global warming,one tenth of one percent in a hundred years is just nothing.Some people are plain stupid and will believe anything except what has been known for 2000 years it is all prophesied in the Bible if you care to read it,We are not going to tell God anything,he will be telling us but no one wants to hear it.Certainly not scientists.

  2. None of us are old enough to remember the Ice Ages, or even the epoch called the Little Ice Age.

  3. I'm remembering a crappy movie called The Day After Tomorrow.

  4. Yes, my nipples were so sore and frost-bitten!!!!!

  5. I remember it. The global cooling scare was in the mid 70's. Several of the main stream media outlets (I think Time, etc) printed front page articles. However, the hype does not come close to the AGW frenzy of today.

  6. I'm not old enough to remember it, but I know about it.  There's one important thing to keep in mind: science works because science changes.  It's not religion - as you get new information, you change your theories to reflect reality.  Our scientific tools are MUCH better than they were 30 years ago, we have a lot more data, and (most importantly) the more we learn, the more it looks like man-made global warming is a fact.  I'm hopeful that the whole thing will turn out to be wrong, but just in case it couldn't possibly hurt us to decrease our carbon output.

  7. Actually I remember the media used to run stories on the comming of the next ice age from time to time.

  8. For real? well it just goes to show how accurate these scientific theories are.

  9. Yes But now it was Global warming actually the day time temerature are started to comedown I dont think it was global cooling. In madras where it will reach 45degree celcius last year it was only 42degree celcius Only but that too hot only its raining round the year. That has cooled down the temperature here to someextent during the last year.

  10. I remember global cooling. In fact, due to my connections with the power plant industry I know of one of the plans to stop global cooling. At the time, they wanted to take the ash from coal plants and spread it on the Poles to melt some of the ice. I wonder how much people would be bitching about global warming now if we had done that lol

    edit: rhsaunders hes talking about the global cooling 'crisis' of the later '70s. Do you really believe global cooling = Ice Age? Then what does global warming mean to you? Average 100C  planet?

  11. I remember it.  It was very short lived as a story, so you could have easily missed it.  It's actually had a longer life now, as revived by global warming "skeptics", which is pretty funny.

    CrazyConservatives answer is actually quite good if you substitute "science", for "hype" and "frenzy".

    "The global cooling scare was in the mid 70's. Several of the main stream media outlets (I think Time, etc) printed front page articles. However, the hype does not come close to the AGW frenzy of today."

    This was a few guys with no data and no backing from any scientific organization, who got much more attention in the media than they deserved.

    They were basically like today's "skeptics".

    What they in no way resemble is today's global warming scientists, hundreds in number, with massive data, and the backing of EVERY major scientific organization.

    More here:

  12. no i dont.

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