
Does anyone recall a priest being stabbed in a stairwell?

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Probably late 1980's, possibly early 1990's. It's a dream I had back then and I keep feeling that it might have actually happened. He was of Asian descent.




  1. Don't know about dreams, but there was an incident a few years ago where a priest was stabbed to death inside a federal prison, while the guards turned a blind eye to the attack.

    The priest was sentenced to prison for child molestation, several charges, convicted on all counts(a Catholic Priest) and although he was placed in "protective custody" for fear the general population would kill him for what he had done, somehow he was transferred to another federal prison and was not placed in protective custody.  The next day, during lunch, several inmates attacked him and stabbed him repeatly.  He died later on that day from multiple punctures.

    The guards that had been assigned to watch the general population during the lunch hour, were suspended pending a hearing and two were terminated from employment, the others were fined and after serving their suspension, returned to duty and a hero's welcome by the inmate population.

    This was when so many Catholic Priests were being accused by hundreds of young lads for molesting them when they were younger.  Consequently, the Catholic Church almost went broke settling all the cases out of court.  The priests that were being accused of these charges, were then punished severely by the church, they were transfered to other parish's across the country with no mention of why they were being transfered, so the new parish had no idea what these priests had done to these young children when they arrived.

    These priests then went about their business as usual and continued to molest more children in the parish they had just been assigned too.

    Some people will disagree with this, but I know it to be fact,  at that time I was a devote Catholic, but when I learned what these priests had done to these children and for so many years, it made me sick and I changed my religion to Christianity.

    I believe this happened about ten to twelve years ago, in a Northern City, perhaps Boston, Mass.

    Anytime the court convicts a child molestor, and they go to a state or federal prison, the authorities always place that prisoner in protective custody, for their own wellbeing and protection, because when the general prison population learns about it, they do read the newspapers inside, and they also learn that the person is located at their prison, they will go out of their way to eliminate them from the face of the Earth.

    I don't recall if the priest was of Asian decent, I don't think so, there might have been a case where an Asian Priest was mugged and stabbed to death under the stairwell in the parish in some city with a high crime rate, but I am not sure of this.  What I am sure of is that a Catholic Priest was stabbed to death in a prison by inmates because he was a  convicted child molestor.

    You might try Googling this information and see what comes up. Afterall, it is public knowledge.

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